Two Big Peaces of My Heart!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baby Registry!!!!

Okay Baby registry(s) have been started. People have been asking but I've been waiting for Jeff to get home so we can do it together. Not much listed yet but once Jeff gets home we will go have fun and fill the thing up with the nifty scanning gun thing they give you! Im sure I wont be aloud to touch only Jeff will be So Target and Babies R Us along with Baby Depot are the places we signed up for. Only thing listed right now is online stuff. In a few weeks we will do in store stuff! Register under Krista or Jeff Foster and the due date is Feb 7, 2011 El Paso, TX 79906

   I will update more once Jeff returns home next week so maybe next weekend we will get out there and add more! That is the stuff we are going with the colors will match my house! Clothing neutral color but anything with supper hero stuff is a must boy or girl lol...our family secretly fights crime and this little one will join the family as well! Anything punk rock or skulls or even Lynyrd Skynyrd cant go wrong there! I also take handy downs over anything!

*****10/6/2010 up date...its all done and ready to shop now!


There is a cute little store here on base that sales all kinds of little crafty things. One lady sales her home made ACU bags there and I found this one and picked it up. She also makes diaper bags for $40.00 and will take special big idea I got! One thing Jeff asked was that I not get a diaper bag that he wont want to carry around. No Winnie the Phoo he said or all bright pink if its a girl lol! So maybe this will be an idea? She can put army brat on it or something. She also puts the velcro on it so you can add your own name tag! Something to show Jeff for sure when he gets home...he might not want to wear ACU stuff when he doesn't have to lol!

Friday, September 24, 2010

20 Weeks and Counting

So yesterday September 23 I had my 20week ultrasound. Baby looks great and is moving a lot they said. Funny because I don’t and can’t really feel much yet. The baby is facing my back so that could be why. Heart and all the inside parts are there so that good. Got to see the heart ticking! 155 beats per minute. Still pretty shy wouldn’t let us see the face and give us a smile yet. Still holding strong and we are not going to find out the sex! We have one boy and one girl now so we aren’t really pushing for one or the other! Jeff is working so much so he couldn’t join me and I don’t want to know without him there. So the big day Jeff will announce it to everyone if it’s a boy or a girl! We already have a boy and girl name picked out. Boy will be Gabriel Jack Foster and girl will be Zoie Paige Foster. First names we picked out and both like middle names...Jack is after my grandpa and Paige is my middle name!
   Otherwise all in all mommy and baby are doing great. Starting to really show now plus it is really sinking in that it’s all happening. Jeff's been gone for most of the month of September and should be home next week sometime. Things are just going to get better from here on out once he is home more to enjoy it with. Plus they said in a week or two times I should be able to feel just about everything and Jeff should too! So he won’t miss that which I was really worried about!

Little Intro!

We call it Foster's February Babies because Landon's and Mallory's birthdays are in the month of Feb. Our newst little bun in the oven's due date is also in February! Hopefuly it doesnt fall on the same day as Landon's or Mallory's but we will just have to wait and see! Hope to give updates on here about the kidos and baby news as my belly grows! Check back for I am bored with no cable and plan on updating this offten!