Two Big Peaces of My Heart!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So the other day my friend Rachel asks me to go out and have a girls day out with her and that she would pay for everything! I was a little shocked because I dont like people paying for me but I went anyways I knew I needed it! Got all dolled up and we went out to Olive Garden for lunch and then got our toe nails painted! Relaxed on of those amazing chairs got our self a nice rub down! Loved it! While we were out I had no clue that my wonderful loving husband was running around the house trying to put together a surprise baby shower for me with all of our friends and my mother's help! The girls day was a way to get me out of the house. Weeks of planing this and I for once had no clue! haha When we got home I saw a million and two people in my back yard coming down the road but when we got to the house everyone had disappeared. Went to go walk into my house from the side kitchen door and noticed things were a little off lol the door to the rest of the house was shut! I opened it up and everyone yelled surprise! Total shock! Jeff had decorated, gotten a cake, and our living room was filled with gifts. The cutest decorations everywhere and our friends had cooked out for us and made some really good food! Never felt so loved in my life, best Saturday ever! Gotta give my Husband Jeff props for keeping it from me and coming up with the idea I love him so much! Im such a lucky girl to have him! We had a blast and got some really good gifts for the baby! Thank you again to everyone who helped and sent a gift! I love you all!


We had a blast during Halloween! Kids carved pumpkins went to the fair at the park and trick or treating! Mallory was little mermaid and Landon was bumble bee from transformers Lots of candy this year! Kids even slept in their outfits after tick or treating! Walking around all night was a little hard on mommy and the baby but it was still fun to see the kids having a blast! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Zoo

Look what came in the mail today! Way excited and it looks better then i thought it would when I saw it on the computer! The colors are just what I wanted. I was worried they would be too light! But they are perfect! It will go with everything else I picked out and my wonderful mommy reminded me of the Noah's Ark basket and pull toy set from my child hood that would go perfect with it! Going to be the best Baby's nusry ever! lol on another note I found a way to keep me from being in a bad mood. Open up the diapers I started to buy and just hold one they are so small and cute!

Oh yes Chance had to be the first to try it out!
newborn size so cute I cant get enough lol I wont like so much when the are full of poop but oh Save as Draftwell lol!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Getting Ready!

So a little early gift from my Parents for the baby! Found on Craig's list for $200 all together very excited and happy! White Crib, Changing table and Rocker with stool! Didn't come with a mattress but we already had one and the cushion on the rocker just needs to be replace easy fix! Little things like this makes it so much more real for me and I'm loving it and getting more and more excited!

Cant wait to add more pics when we start getting more stuff to add to it! But we have a lot of time so no rush I want to enjoy every bit of this!

Kicking 24/7

So now that the baby is starting to kick more and more it got me thinking the other night. I can pin point the first day and what I was doing when I first felt the little life inside me! At the time because this is my first i wasn't sure if it was the baby but I'm more then a million times positive now that it was. Sat Aug 28th would be the day. Jeff and I were laying down of the couch taking a nap and I felt it right above my belly button. I couldn't sleep because I just kept thinking about it and got up to clean the kitchen and make Jeff's birthday cake for the next day.
  As I thought about this the other night and was talking to Jeff about it right there and then it just hit me what  the day Aug 28th meant to me. Two years before on that day I lost an amazing person in my life a big part of my heart. My Grandma Farris left this earth to a better place to be with my Grandpa and watch over us! I know now more then ever that this was a sign from her letting me know she is still with me everyday! Even if I don't see it right away and look back on it weeks later and realize it, she is still apart of my everyday life and I love her so much for I feel she showed me a gift that day...a day that will always be hard for me but now I have a little something to make me smile for years to come on Aug 28th!

I love you Grandma I miss your voice and laughter so much but I'm so happy your apart of my life and watching over my little family I know we are safe with angles like you and Grandpa up there! Sugars!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Yummy Pumpkin Cookies!!

Just made a really good batch of pumpkin cookies!

1 cup oats
2 1/4 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter (2) sticks
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Combine flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, baking soda and salt and set aside. Beat butter and sugar in large mixing bowl until creamy. Beat in pumpkin, eggs and vanilla extract. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels and nuts and oats. Drop by rounded tablespoons onto prepared baking sheets. Add halloween spinkles if you dare!

Bake for 11-12 min or until edges are lightly browner.

***I leave out the nuts bc of the kids but they are so good and fluffy! Love them!
Baby either likes or is kicking me a lot to stop eating either way Im happy bc I havent felt the little bug kick in the middle of the day yet and right now its playing kick ball with my belly button!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baby Registry!!!!

Okay Baby registry(s) have been started. People have been asking but I've been waiting for Jeff to get home so we can do it together. Not much listed yet but once Jeff gets home we will go have fun and fill the thing up with the nifty scanning gun thing they give you! Im sure I wont be aloud to touch only Jeff will be So Target and Babies R Us along with Baby Depot are the places we signed up for. Only thing listed right now is online stuff. In a few weeks we will do in store stuff! Register under Krista or Jeff Foster and the due date is Feb 7, 2011 El Paso, TX 79906

   I will update more once Jeff returns home next week so maybe next weekend we will get out there and add more! That is the stuff we are going with the colors will match my house! Clothing neutral color but anything with supper hero stuff is a must boy or girl lol...our family secretly fights crime and this little one will join the family as well! Anything punk rock or skulls or even Lynyrd Skynyrd cant go wrong there! I also take handy downs over anything!

*****10/6/2010 up date...its all done and ready to shop now!