Two Big Peaces of My Heart!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kicking 24/7

So now that the baby is starting to kick more and more it got me thinking the other night. I can pin point the first day and what I was doing when I first felt the little life inside me! At the time because this is my first i wasn't sure if it was the baby but I'm more then a million times positive now that it was. Sat Aug 28th would be the day. Jeff and I were laying down of the couch taking a nap and I felt it right above my belly button. I couldn't sleep because I just kept thinking about it and got up to clean the kitchen and make Jeff's birthday cake for the next day.
  As I thought about this the other night and was talking to Jeff about it right there and then it just hit me what  the day Aug 28th meant to me. Two years before on that day I lost an amazing person in my life a big part of my heart. My Grandma Farris left this earth to a better place to be with my Grandpa and watch over us! I know now more then ever that this was a sign from her letting me know she is still with me everyday! Even if I don't see it right away and look back on it weeks later and realize it, she is still apart of my everyday life and I love her so much for I feel she showed me a gift that day...a day that will always be hard for me but now I have a little something to make me smile for years to come on Aug 28th!

I love you Grandma I miss your voice and laughter so much but I'm so happy your apart of my life and watching over my little family I know we are safe with angles like you and Grandpa up there! Sugars!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Krista you are so right! That can only have been your Grandma sharing a very special moment with you. How wonderful to carry that thought with you forever. She is watching over you and our Little Lightning Bug all the time. She is showering lots of Sugar into your life and will always be there.
